Number |
County |
Name |
Owner |
Verif |
Description |
IN-68-01 |
Randolph |
Americana Star |
Keith & Judy Bates |
05-2015 |
N40 03.369 W85 02.113 |
W. of Lynn, Union Township. US36 W. 1.9 miles from jct with US27 on the N. side of Lynn, N. on S300N 0.55 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 7492. |
IN-68-02 |
Shoo Fly |
Greg & Kathy Beumer |
05-2015 |
N40 03.633 W85 04.919 |
ENE of Modoc, Union Township. US36 E. 2.0 miles from jct with Main St. in Modec, N. on Huntsville Rd. 1.0 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 7160. |
IN-68-03 |
Martha Washington Star |
Randy & Janet Cates |
05-2015 |
N40 02.863 W85 07.143 |
E. of Modoc, Union Township. US36 E. 0.4 miles from jct with Main St. in Modec to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 7587. |
IN-68-04 |
Flying X |
Byron & Pauline Phelps |
05-2015 |
N40 05.436 W85 12.808 |
NW of Modoc, Union Township. IN1 N. 3.0 miles from jct with US36 in Modoc, W. on W500S 4.6 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 12701. |
IN-68-05 |
Liberty Star |
David & Diana Shore |
05-2015 |
N40 06.352 W85 08.003 |
N. of Modoc, Union Township. IN1 N. 4.0 miles from jct with US36 in Modoc, W. on W400S 0.3 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 8305. |
IN-68-06 |
Storm At Sea |
George & Karen Mapes |
05-2015 |
N40 06.097 W85 07.613 |
N. of Modoc, Union Township. IN1 N. 3.65 miles from jct with US36 in Modoc to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 4359. |
IN-68-07 |
Goose Tracks |
Keith & Suzanne Pugh |
05-2015 |
N40 08.111 W85 08.447 |
S. of Farmland, Stoney Creek Township. IN1 S. 4.0 miles from jct with Jackson St. in Farmland, W. on W200S 0.7 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 8736. |
IN-68-08 |
Country Farm |
Wayne McGuire |
05-2015 |
N40 08.334 W85 11.000 |
SSE of Parker City, Stoney Creek Township. S1100W S. 3.8 miles from jct with IN32 E. of Parker City to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1747. |
IN-68-09 |
Sunflower |
Jeff & Carrie Watson |
05-2015 |
N40 09.595 W85 11.004 |
SSE of Parker City, Stoney Creek Township. S1100W S. 2.3 miles from jct with IN32 E. of Parker City, E. on Windsor Rd. 100 yds to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 10910. |
IN-68-10 |
Jacob's Ladder |
Scott & Ann Dehaven |
05-2015 |
N40 09.224 W85 09.969 |
SW of Farmland, Stoney Creek Township. IN32 W. 2.0 miles from jct with IN1 in Farmland, S. on S1000W 2.7 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 732. |
IN-68-11 |
Lemoyne Star-var |
Cleveland Family Farms |
05-2015 |
N40 10.067 W85 07.694 |
S. of Farmland, Stoney Creek Township. IN1 S. 1.75 miles from jct with Jackson St. in Farmland to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 264. |
IN-68-12 |
Turkey in the Straw |
Mark & Ronetta Sumwalt |
05-2015 |
N40 14.791 W85 07.694 |
N. of Farmland, Green Township. IN1 N. 2.0 miles from jct with Jackson St. in Farmland, continue N. on N800W 1.75 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 5741. |
IN-68-13 |
Turkey Tracks |
Donovan & Evelyn Devoss |
05-2015 |
N40 15.838 W85 11.400 |
NW of Farmland, Green. IN1 N. 5.9 miles from jct with Jackson St. in Farmland, W. on W700N 2.2 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 11228. |
IN-68-14 |
Oregon Star |
Unknown |
05-2015 |
N40 16.260 W85 08.917 |
N. of Farmland, Green. IN1 N. 6.4 miles from jct with Jackson St. in Farmland to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 7478. |
IN-68-15 |
Prosperity |
Joel & Sharon Taylor |
05-2015 |
N40 18.276 W85 08.974 |
W. of Ridgeville, Green Township. IN28 W. 6.4 miles from jct with Walnut St. in Ridgeville, N. on IN1 0.8 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 9836. |
IN-68-16 |
Star Star |
Unknown |
05-2015 |
N40 17.555 W85 08.874 |
W. of Ridgeville, Green Township. IN28 W. 6.4 miles from jct with Walnut St. in Ridgeville to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 8963. |
IN-68-17 |
North Star |
Danny & Sherry Chalfant |
05-2015 |
N40 15.953 W85 04.500 |
SW of Ridgeville, Franklin Township. IN28 S. 0.45 miles from jct with 2nd St. in Ridgeville, right & continue S. on Old IN28 0.2 miles, W. on W800N 2.4 miles, S. on N500W 0.8 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 7076. |
IN-68-18 |
American Flag |
Richard & Dianne Gough |
05-2015 |
N40 15.946 W85 02.127 |
S. of Ridgeville, Franklin Township. IN28 S. 0.45 miles from jct with 2nd St. in Ridgeville, right & continue S. on Old IN28 0.2 miles, W. on W800N 0.4 miles, S. on N300W 1.0 miles, E. on W700N 100' to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 2964. |
IN-68-19 |
Grandmother's Puzzle |
Francis Beck, Amy & Todd Schroeder |
05-2015 |
N40 14.659 W84 58.879 |
N. of Winchester, Ward Township. US27 N. 5.1 miles from jct with IN32 (Washington St.) E. of Winchester, W. on W550N 0.25 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 315. |
IN-68-20 |
Wild Goose |
Gary & Nancy McFarland |
05-2015 |
N40 13.418 W84 58.554 |
N. of Winchester, Ward Township. US27 N. 3.7 miles from jct with IN32 (Washington St.) E. of Winchester to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 4058. |
IN-68-21 |
Bow Tie |
Paul & Sheridan Prescott |
05-2015 |
N40 18.572 W84 50.263 |
E. of Ridgeville, Jackson Township. Portland St. (becomes N250W) N. 1.0 miles from jct with 7th St. in Ridgeville, E. on E1000N (W900S) 10.0 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 7287. |
IN-68-22 |
Blazing Star |
Kent Thornburg |
05-2015 |
N40 17.370 W84 49.411 |
E. of Ridgeville, Jackson Township. Portland St. (becomes N250W) N. 1.0 miles from jct with 7th St. in Ridgeville, E. on E1000N (W900S) 10.7 miles, S. on N800E 1.4 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 8601. |
IN-68-23 |
Shasta Daisy |
Cloyce & Sue Miller |
05-2015 |
N40 13.433 W84 49.483 |
N. of Union City, Wayne Township. Jackson Pike N. 0.45 miles from jct with IN28 (Deerfield Rd.) N. of Union City to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 1302. |
IN-68-24 |
Double Windmill |
Kent & Susan Smoot |
05-2015 |
N40 13.093 W84 49.520 |
N. of Union City, Wayne Township. IN28 NW 100 yds from jct with Jackson Pike N. of Union City to the quilt on the NE side of the road at 1140. |
IN-68-25 |
Little Boy's Britches |
Jack & Mary Anderson |
05-2015 |
N40 12.402 W84 49.465 |
In Union City. Division St. W. 0.85 miles from jct with IN28 (Columbia St.), N. on Jackson Pike 0.3 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 703. |
IN-68-26 |
Union Star |
Harter Park |
05-2015 |
N40 12.023 W84 49.835 |
In Harter Park in Union City. Division St. W. 0.85 miles from jct with IN28 (Columbia St.), S. on Jackson Pike 0.25 miles, W. on Union City Pike 0.3 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road. |
IN-68-27 |
Indiana Farmer |
Patricia Knasinski & Joan Barton |
05-2015 |
N40 10.672 W84 50.844 |
SW of Union City, Wayne Township. IN32 W. (curves S.) 1.9 miles from jct with IN28 (Columbia St.) in Union City, W. on IN32 1.2 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 6801. |
IN-68-28 |
Ohio Star |
Schemmer Adkind farm |
05-2015 |
N40 10.189 W84 51.346 |
SW of Union City, Wayne Township. IN32 W. (curves S.) 1.9 miles from jct with IN28 (Columbia St.) in Union City, W. on IN32 1.75 miles, S. on N625E 0.6 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 400. |
IN-68-29 |
Eight Point Star |
Matthew & Kami Good |
05-2015 |
N40 09.039 W84 49.625 |
S. of Union City, Wayne Township. IN32 W. (curves S.) 1.9 miles from jct with IN28 (Columbia St.) in Union City, continue S. on IN227 2.0 miles, W. on E100S 250' to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 7991. |
IN-68-30 |
Double Pinwheel |
Terry & Carolyn Whitenack |
05-2015 |
N40 11.015 W84 52.839 |
WSW of Union City, Wayne Township. IN32 W. (curves S.) 1.9 miles from jct with IN28 (Columbia St.) in Union City, W. on IN32 3.0 miles, N. on N500E 0.4 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1327. |
IN-68-31 |
Harvest Star |
Colleen Rhotehamel |
05-2015 |
N40 12.663 W84 55.171 |
NE of Winchester, White River Township. IN32 E. 2.5 miles from jct with US27 on the E. side of Winchester, N. on N300E 2.7 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3244. |
IN-68-32 |
Oh My Stripes |
Steve & Kim Burge |
05-2015 |
N40 00.864 W84 49.902 |
SE of Lynn, Greensfork Township. US36 E. 5.9 miles from jct with US27 on the N. side of Lynn, S. on IN227 2.4 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 10396. |
IN-68-33 |
Birds in a Square |
Kevin & Joyce Wise |
05-2015 |
N40 02.694 W84 49.953 |
E. of Lynn, Greensfork Township. US36 E. 5.9 miles from jct with US27 on the N. side of Lynn, S. on IN227 0.3 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 8926. |
IN-68-34 |
Star & Cross |
Gary & Nell Girton |
05-2015 |
N40 02.815 W84 55.783 |
SE of Lynn, Greensfork Township. Church St. (becomes E800S) E. 0.55 miles from jct with US27 in Lynn to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 2521. |
IN-68-35 |
Indiana Puzzle |
Lynn Lyons Club Park |
05-2015 |
N40 03.149 W84 55.931 |
In Lyons Club Park in Lynn. US36 E. 0.45 miles from jct with US27 on the N. side of Lynn to the quilt on the S. side of the road. |
IN-68-36 |
Puppy Love |
Sabrina Prim |
05-2015 |
N40 05.481 W84 54.145 |
NE of Lynn, Greensfork Township. US27 N. 2.5 miles from jct with US36 on the N. side of Lynn, E. on E500S 1.9 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 3961. |
IN-68-37 |
Star Spangled Banner |
Dr. Wm. & Mary Beuchat |
05-2015 |
N40 07.266 W85 00.829 |
SSW of Winchester, Washington Township. Orange St. W. 1 block from jct with Main St. in Winchester, SW on Huntsville Rd. 3.5 miles, W. on W300N 0.1 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 1863. |
IN-68-38 |
Twisting Star |
Joe & Angela Abernathy |
05-2015 |
N40 08.534 W84 59.302 |
S. of Winchester, White River Township. Orange St. W. 1 block from jct with Main St. in Winchester, SW on Huntsville Rd. 1.1 miles, S. on Bloomingsport Rd. 0.65 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1775. |
IN-68-39 |
Arrowheads |
Michael & Julie Wickersham |
05-2015 |
N40 09.116 W84 58.375 |
S. of Winchester, White River Township. Main St. S. 1.6 miles from jct with IN32 (Washington St.) in Winchester to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1555. |
IN-68-40 |
Sisters Choice |
The Browne Sisters |
05-2015 |
N40 08.499 W84 56.871 |
SE of Winchester, White River Township. US27 S. 1.5 miles from jct with IN32 (Washington St.) on the E. side of Winchester, E. on E100S 1.0 miles, S. on S150E 0.6 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1591. |
IN-68-41 |
Corn & Beans |
Dawn Keys |
05-2015 |
N40 09.824 W84 54.824 |
E. of Winchester, White River Township. IN32 E. 2.5 miles from jct with US27 on the E. side of Winchester, S. on N300E 0.5 miles, E. on Base Rd. 0.3 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 3329. |
IN-68-42 |
Missouri Star |
Jack & Louise Hart |
05-2015 |
N40 11.499 W84 55.854 |
NE of Winchester, White River Township. Union City Pike E. 2.1 miles from jct with US27 on the NE side of Winchester to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 2356. |
IN-68-43 |
Double Four-Patch |
Jack & Louise Hart |
05-2015 |
N40 11.500 W84 55.864 |
Same as IN-68-42. |
IN-68-44 |
Savilla's Pinwheel |
Bud & Rosemary Sears |
05-2015 |
N40 11.321 W84 58.863 |
N. of Winchester, White River Township. Main St. (becomes Old Hwy 27) N. 1.1 miles from jct with IN32 (Washington St.) in Winchester to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1051. |
IN-68-45 |
Hunters Star |
Shane & Jill Winkle |
05-2015 |
N40 11.374 W85 00.242 |
NW of Winchester, White River Township. Martin St. W. 0.6 miles from jct with Main St. on the N. side of Winchester, N. (turns W. & back N.) on Stockyard Rd. 1.05 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1512. |
IN-68-46 |
Four Queens |
Lonnie & Lisa Garza |
05-2015 |
N40 11.409 W85 01.015 |
NW of Winchester, White River Township. IN32 W. 1.9 miles from jct with Main St. in Winchester, N. on N200W 0.65 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 1768.. (JS, 5-28-15,) |
IN-68-47 |
Ohio Star-var |
S. Studio 32 Family Hair Care |
05-2015 |
N40 10.316 W85 06.259 |
SE of Farmland, White River Township. IN1/32 (Main St.) 1.2 miles from jct with Jackson St. in Farmland, continue S. (curves E.) on IN32 1.4 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 6656.. (JS, 5-28-15,) |